Instructions for watching in 3-D using your bare eyes
Seeing in 3-D using your bare eyes (and no tool
that helps you do it) is the default mode in this 3-D
star-viewer. If you change this mode and you want to come back
to it later, the button on the tool bar is this one:

Now, here is how one uses one’s own eyes, in a
very natural way (without contortions) to see the stars of this
applet in 3-D.
Suppose you are given a figure like the following,
which is called a “stereogram”, and you want to see it in three dimensions
using only your bare eyes:

But I mean seeing it in 3-D really; that
is, seeing the yellow dot standing in front of the plane of this
page, the red ball approximately on the page plane, and the
cyan ball behind the other two. Please follow
these instructions:
First, select a spot on the opposite wall: it could be the door knob
— or anything at a distance of more than 2 m. (7 ft.). It can even be some
faraway object that you see through your window. Place your two index
fingers at arm’s length, as shown in the above figure, while watching the object
— let’s say a door
knob — between your two fingers.
If you are focusing on the door knob, then you actually see
four fingers!
If you don’t believe me, shake your fingers slightly (but
always focusing on the door knob), so their four moving images will become
apparent. Don’t focus on them! The trick is to be aware of all four fingers
while still focusing on the door knob. If you feel your eyes becoming
de-focused from the door knob whenever you move your fingers, have patience! The
experiment will not work if you cannot pass this first step.
Are you in a position to “see” four index fingers while
focusing at a distance? (There is nothing wrong with your eyes: this is the way
our visual system works to perceive depth, i.e., the third dimension.) Now move
your fingers inwards slowly (see figure below), until the two innermost of the
four index fingers merge into one.
Remember, keep focusing on the door knob while you do the
above! I admit this is a bit difficult to do since your index fingers will get
in the way, but nothing prevents you from repeating this movement as many times
as needed. Practice doing this. If it helps, before you merge your two index
fingers, move your hands a little below the door knob, so that it remains at
your focusing point all the time, then merge your index fingers (below the door
knob), and finally move both hands slightly upwards until the tips of the two
index fingers cover the door knob.
If you have successfully merged your two index
fingers you are effectively seeing three fingers now (shake
them a bit to see them better), while you never de-focused from the
door knob. We will need to refer to this position, so let’s call it
“Position A”.
Now the following action is the key to our attempt.
Since you still focus at a distance, slowly de-focus (without
moving your hands) and look (focus) straight on one of the two fingers (or in
the space between). Don’t move your fingers! No other part of your body must move, except your eyes. Do
the de-focusing slowly, feeling how your eye muscles move while you change focus
from door to fingers. This is important,
because now I will ask you to do the reverse
movement! Try to bring your two index fingers back to Position A (as they were
before you de-focused) without moving your fingers, just your eyes. Can’t do it?
Don’t be discouraged. And read on, you are very close to completing the job.
I assume you had some difficulty in doing the reverse movement
(merging your two index fingers without moving them). So here is what
to do.
Go back to Position A, and this time do the de-focusing in a
very careful and controlled way: do not de-focus all the way, but only a little,
hesitating, and going back to Position A immediately. Do this several times,
seeing your fingers becoming separated and merged again. As you become more
confident, gradually increase the separation distance between your fingers, and
do the merging and un-merging again. (Remember, no other part of your body moves
during the merging/un-merging save for your eyes.) As you become more and more
familiar with this movement you will find yourself being able to separate the
two fingers all the way, and bring them back to the merged position (Position A)
at will.
You have essentially learned to control your eye muscles.
Don’t worry, there is no problem of getting in some kind of eye-strain trouble
because of muscle contortions: you don’t contort anything; this is the natural
position of your eyes when you focus at a distance. (Except that usually there
are no other objects — such as fingers — in front, so you probably never
noticed it.)
Moving your eyes at will so that they come to Position A is
all these instructions are attempting to teach you. Why is this sufficient? Because if you
can merge your two index fingers at will, you can also merge the two
almost-identical-but-not-quite parts of a three dimensional figure (a
stereogram), such as in
the one below.
Just pretend the two repeated parts of the image (left-half
and right-half) are your index fingers, and do the same thing. You will know
when you manage to merge them, because you will see the yellow dot standing out
in front of the page, while the red one stands in the middle, and the blue one
stays in the background! You may find it easier to do the merging if you
position yourself at some distance from the screen (e.g. at ½ meter, or 1.5
Isn’t this much better than red-and-blue goggles to see in 3D? (Such
goggles eliminate the colors, by the way.) You also don’t need any tool to do
it, such as a mirror.
Notice that it’s also possible to do the same
thing by crossing your eyes, but this has the disadvantage of
really contorting your eye muscles, which might make you feel
tired after a while. It also reverses the front-and-back (you’ll
see the yellow dot in the back and the cyan one in front in the
above stereogram), which means you’ll get the wrong perspective
with the stars. Plus it makes the entire scene appear a bit
smaller. If, however, you don’t mind about all these, feel free
to watch this page cross-eyed.