The Classics Reader “Find Word” Function

This is the Help Page invoked by the program Classics Reader from itsFind Word dialog window.

The “find word” dialog window (see image below) consists of eight check-box controls at its top, an edit-box where the user may type the string to be searched for, a keyboard, one more control in the form of a radio-button under the keyboard, and three buttons at the bottom for (1) cancelling the dialog, (2) invoking this help page, and (3) accepting the options and proceeding to search for the string.
If the search is to be performed in the text of the left side of the Classics Reader book, then the Greek keyboard is shown. In general, the keyboard matches the language of the text to be searched. There is no need to hit any keys on the physical keyboard of your computer to change its input language.

The keys for entering diacritic marks in ancient Greek are highlighted on the keyboard (image, left). All diacritics in ancient Greek are included, the following:

  ΄ (keys / or ; ): the acute accent
  ` (keys \ or ` ): the grave accent
  ~ (keys =, ^, or ~): the circumflex
  ¨ (key : ): the diaeresis
  ’ (key ] ): the smooth breathing mark
  ‘ (key [ ): the rough breathing mark
  ι (key q): the iota underscript

To place the above diacritics above or below letters, click on the diacritics in any order if they are more than one, and either before or after the letter (depending on the [Type dacritics] setting, shown just under the keyboardsee more below). (Note: the symbols for the stigma (Ϛ), qoppa (Ϟ), and sampi (Ϡ), appear also with the keys W, Q, and @, respectively.)

The options at the top of the dialog window determine the parameters of the search. Before explaining each one of them, we must note the all-important notion of scope, i.e., the portion of the text where the search will be performed. The scope can be the following:
  • the entire chapter currently shown,
  • the part of the chapter from the first line of the chapter to the first line shown currently on screen,
  • the part of the chapter from the first line shown currently on screen to the last line of the chapter,
  • the entire work, which includes all chapters

The scope is determined by the 4 choice-boxes on the left column of the group of 8 choice-boxes of the dialog window. These check-boxes are the following:

  • [Search classic text (left)]: sets the scope either to the left-side text or to the right-side text. The keyboard changes its appearance depending on the language of the text to be searched.
  • [Search from start]: sets the scope starting from the first line of the current chapter if the 3rd check-box is unchecked, or from the first line of the entire work if the 3rd check-box is checked. However, if the search direction is set to “backwards” through the 4th check-box, then the notion “first line” must be replaced by the notion “last line” in the previous description.
  • [Search the entire work]: sets the scope to the entire work instead of only the current chapter.
  • [Search backwards]: specifies that the search will take place backwards, starting at the end of the scope (as defined by the previous three controls) and proceeding to the beginning of the scope.

In addition, the four choice-boxes on the right-hand column specify the following parameters in search:

  • [Case sensitive]: if checked, the case of the entered letters is respected; otherwise it is ignored.
  • [Diacritic sensitive]: if checked, the entered diacritics (stress marks, etc.) are respected; otherwise they are ignored.
  • [Word starting like this]: if checked, only words starting like the entered string are found; otherwise the string can be found anywhere.
  • [Word ending like this]: if checked, only words ending like the entered string are found; otherwise the string can be found anywhere.

Obviously, when both of the last two options are checked, only words that look exactly like the entered string are found.

Finally, there is a pair of radio-button controls underneath the painted keyboard: [Type dacritics: o before letter o after letter]. In typing diacritics, some users are accustomed to typing them before the letter that holds them, whereas others prefer typing them after the letter. This option adjusts the behavior of the keyboard to the user’s preference.

Using the numeric keys to move to a numbered section or paragraph within the text:

The numeric keys can be used to move to a numbered section or paragraph of the text, For instance, suppose you want to move to chapter 26 of Matthew’s gospel, or to the 26th paragraph of the current book of Herodotus’s Histories. The number 26 in the Greek texts looks like this: κϚ΄. All you need to do is type the number 26 normally (as you see it, in Arabic numerals) and click on key , which will convert 26 into κϚ΄. Then initiate the search, so you will move to the point where the κϚ΄ appears in the text. Of course, you may also type κϚ΄ directly (if you are familiar with Greek numerals), where the stigma (Ϛ) and the numeric tick (΄) are produced from the “numeric keypad”, i.e., the column of keys on the right of the keyboard. (The numeric tick can be also produced with the question mark key (?).)

Once a search has succeeded at least once:

  • An additional button on the Classics Reader’s top-right corner that looks like this: (same as the “find” button, but blue and with a plus sign) becomes active, and allows the user to find the next appearances of the searched string. The search does not “wrap around” within the scope, but proceeds from the beginning to the end of the scope, in the specified direction.
  • All search parameters, including the searched string, are remembered in the next “Find Word” dialog. The parameters (but not the searched string) are remembered even across different sessions of the Classics Reader.

Last update: December 29, 2009